Friday 28 July 2017

Does GM Diet Work in Losing those Extra Weights?

GM Diet is the world most searched diet and people just need 1 week to lose 7 kilos of weight which is pretty impressive but, is it safe? Many of the Dieticians are doubtful about this because it could raise some health concern and it is not likely a long term thing.

In the 1980s it was first introduced by General Motors to help their employees manage their weight gain problem because of the motionless work environment. The diet includes Low Carbohydrates food, fruits and vegetables and it is suggested to drink a lot of water during the GM diet because you will be losing a lot of water weight. GM diet, in short, is a very low-calorie diet with a proportionate amount of calorie intake to provide homeostatic balance.

What about the scenario after completing the 7 days GM Diet? You have to be disciplined in not falling back into unhealthy habits. It’s very difficult for people to control themselves from the temptation of eating junk food because of the low-calorie food intake for seven days. People fill themselves up when the 7 day GM Diet is over and they are back to the circle. When a person after consuming less calorie food switches on to high calorie after some interval they are likely to gain more weight compared to others. This is because the body gives the signal to lower the metabolism rate so that the body can regain into the healthy state.

Dietician Lisa Renn said that she wouldn’t consider this as a long term option for the people who are in for the weight loss journey. It is very important to follow something which gives you sustainable healthy eating habits for long term. But it can be also a good kick start on the journey of living a healthy life. It is suggested that before starting the GM Diet you consult a Doctor or a Health Professional who will guide you through this. Happy Health, Happy Living!
















Thursday 27 July 2017

Easy way to lose weight by consuming the combination of Coconut Oil and Coffee

Everyone loves Coffee and it is one thing that keeps us holding throughout the day during hectic days. People consume Energy drinks, green tea or regular tea as a way of habit or to keep themselves refreshed throughout the day. Black coffee is often consumed by people before a workout session but many don’t know that this is helping them to lose weight by alleviating their energy levels.

Mixing Coffee with Oil has become the latest trend which is followed up by the famous Keto diet where this Combination is called a Bullet coffee. This mixture will act as a meal substitute for many health conscious people. The people who have witnessed this have said that it gives you ample of energy in a day and keeps you full so ultimately you will be able to avoid unhealthy craving and it helps powerfully burn the fats on the body.

At the start, it may be difficult to swallow it down but as you to start drinking this coffee regularly you will be amazed at its health benefits that it will motivate you to make it a part of your life.

So wanna know how this is made? Brew 1 cup of the finest coffees into espresso and when it is ready then add two teaspoons of coconut oil and voila, it’s ready!  The logic behind this diet is that when the carbs are replaced with fat which is the coconut oil the body automatically starts turning fats into fuel which will ultimately keep you energized throughout the day.

At the start, you may notice nausea or diarrhoea but there are very few who experience this. Consuming this mixture before a workout it will help you reduce the post workout soreness so make it a part of the diet and live a healthy life. Happy Health, Happy Living! 


Tuesday 25 July 2017

How a Mother of Two loses 52 Kilos without GYM!

Mrs Molloy who currently lives in Maryborough, Queensland a young mother of two had a bad relationship with food which would tempt her to snack on M&M’s, Doritos and was a frequent customer of takeaway food on a regular basis. At the age of 22, she knew that living this lifestyle will create a bad image for her children so she decided to hop on the journey of weight loss. She said that she was feeling big all the time which was very embarrassing for her. During her pregnancy with the first child, she put on 20 kg and ate anything that comes her way!

Zoe Molloy at her wedding she was weighing 104 Kg because of her insatiable hunger for junk food and mostly she would heavily snack on in the evening.

She said that she was so addicted to Chinese and KFC that her hunger use to never satisfy. She would eat in the morning a big plate of Eggs and bacon and then after an hour she would eat crumpets or Coco Pops. Her Lunch use to include take away food likes KFC, Kebab or McDonald’s and after she would snack on M&M’s or a big bag of Doritos.

When she was pregnant for the second time she realised that how it was causing problems to her and also her unborn baby. She had problems with her Gall bladder because of her eating problems. Just because of weight problems she used to feel excessive fatigue feeling and couldn’t spend the time to play with her son.

Mrs Molloy knew that it was a high time that she takes a high road to live a healthy lifestyle so she approached to her new diet called “Cold Turkey”. It was very difficult for her to stick to her diet and would quit dieting many times and continue eating junk food. Then, later on, she moved on to The Healthy Mummy which helped her focus on the consuming shakes and a recipe book that provided easy and healthy meals in which she lost 45 Kg within 10 months. She said that she saw the result in the first month and continued to stick on with it.

Now presently Zoe Molloy looks incredible and weighs 51 Kg which is pretty amazing and the best thing is that she wears jeans of the size 8-10. She exercises 3 times a week and opts for a healthy diet by eating oats for breakfast, salad wrap for lunch and for dinner she eats ricotta pasta bake or spaghetti Bolognese. She has excluded alcohol and consumes less sugar. Her next challenge is to remove the excess skin because of the dramatic weight loss but she is still celebrating her success in achieving the dream of losing 52Kgs.

You can also achieve the same dream that she dreamt of by eating healthy food and Healthy lifestyle. Happy Health, Happy Living!

Monday 17 July 2017

Artificial Sweeteners does it really work in losing weight?

People can’t just live without sugar and when they start gaining weight it is one of the most difficult tasks for them to live without it. But does an artificial sweetener help in losing weight instead of consuming the regular sugar in the pantry. Well, it does somewhat but not to that extent where shedding pound in a week is an easy task. According to the review of the scientific evidence on artificial sweeteners, there is no proof that the sweeteners like sucralose or aspartame help in managing weight. The review also suggests that the sweeteners may also cause future problems if consumed regularly.

Meghan Azad, Lead author of the review and a research scientist at the University of Manitoba said that they were interested in knowing about the people who regularly consume Artificial sugar not only for controlling their weight but also for other healthy choices. She says that there is more research needs to be done to discover more because there is no proof of the benefit from Artificial Sugar for weight loss, diabetes or any other cardiovascular problems.

It is been observed that quarter of the US children are consuming them and 41% of adults consuming more of them per day. People are also unknowingly consuming them in products such as yoghurt or granola bars. Either way, if you use Artificial sugar substitute instead with the real sugar you will be still suffering from weight loss problems because the body may act up which may change the metabolism in the body to the worse.

Healthy Alternatives to the regular sugar are as follows:-

1.    Jaggery:-

Jaggery is a better option because that is a very healthy sugar because it is not processed much. You can find get granules of jaggery in any grocery store which can be used in tea and also while preparing any dish.

2.    Fruits:-

If you have sweet tooth and at the same time suffering from weight problem then you will have to stop having any stuff which is made of sugar. But the real catch is that people go through a tough time during their weight loss journey and these struggles can be very de-motivating. Have fruits such as Apple, Pineapple, watermelon which will help you lose weight and also satisfy your sweet cravings.




What is Gluten? Why it's a big deal for your health?

  Everyone has a view about Gluten but some are discussing how important Gluten is. Well, some just don't think it is a big deal. Now Gl...