Wednesday 3 February 2021

What is Gluten? Why it's a big deal for your health?


Gluten Food

Everyone has a view about Gluten but some are discussing how important Gluten is. Well, some just don't think it is a big deal. Now Gluten is equally important as it keeps the consistency of the food and it also promotes a healthy gut. But gluten also has shown some Negative Side effects that affect some people who are prone to Gluten Intolerance or Celiac Disease. Before concluding, let's first understand the purpose of Gluten in the human body, or let's put it in other words. What the hell is Gluten doing in your Body?

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a product of Protein components that binds the food that ultimately gives a stretchy substance. The two of the protein found in Gluten is Glutenin and Gliadin. Gluten is of utmost importance in keeping the structure of the food. A dough without gluten wouldn't just stick together; it will just rip off easily. But it also has Negative effects that have made some people too skeptical.

Gluten also acts like a prebiotic that is beneficial in providing good bacteria in a healthy human gut. A healthy gut is associated with good bacteria that helps in breaking down the food in the digestive tract.

When you have to worry about Gluten?

Certain people may have problem with Gluten, especially who have Wheat Allergy, Gluten sensitivity, and Celiac disease.

If you have Celiac Disease, then you must go for a Gluten-free diet. At least 1% of the population suffers from this disease and, it is worst from of Gluten intolerance. It is an autoimmune disease that reacts to gluten as a foreign invader and causes acute symptoms like Constipation and Diarrhoea.

What food to avoid for gluten intolerance?

Gluten Food to avoid

Avoid Grains:

Some grains are naturally infused with gluten components so make sure to avoid or consume less to overcome any complications of Gluten Intolerance. Avoid grains such as Wheat, Rye, Barley, Wheat berries, Triticale, Kamut, Farina, Farro, and Processed Oats are some of the grains which are natural components of Gluten.

Avoid Bread:

Most of the Bread, Wraps, and Crackers include gluten in them so make sure that you avoid Bread that has gluten. Avoid White bread, whole wheat bread, potato bread, rye bread, sourdough bread, wheat crackers, whole wheat wraps, flour tortillas, flatbread, and bagels.

Avoid Bakery Products:

Bakery Products are often made with gluten-containing grains such as wheat or rye grains. If you are highly sensitive to gluten food then avoid Cakes, Pastries, Doughnuts, Cookies, Pancakes, Muffins, and much more.

Avoid certain drinks:

Some drinks are brewed with ingredients that contain gluten. There are some of the drinks that you should avoid such as Beer, Drink mixes, Processed Chocolate milk, Wine Coolers, and Premade Coffee drinks.

What foods can you eat without worrying about Gluten?

Gluten-Free food

Even though you feel that half of the food that you usually eat has to be cut down. But there are also other food items that you can eat from your pantry that do not have gluten.

Below are the foods that you can eat even if you have Gluten Intolerance or Celiac Disease.

1.   Fruits and Vegetables

2.   Animal Proteins

3.   Nuts and Seeds

4.   Beans and Legumes

5.   Gluten-Free Grains: Quinoa, Buckwheat, millet, Oats, Wild Rise, Brown rice, and Corn.

When you are trying a new diet you need to keep in mind a balanced day-to-day nutritional value so as to avoid Nutrition Deficiency. Gluten has its advantages and its disadvantages. You should consult a doctor before starting a Gluten-free diet.



Friday 6 April 2018

Your Health is measured by the health of your Mind!


The Body movement and certain lifestyle choices or the chemical combination has made us look forward to the day that we are experiencing now. If there was no movement, no combinations of chemicals, or if there weren't any single atom present in the atmosphere then we wouldn't have had any questions of today's existence. 

As we are growing into the conscience about the meaning and purpose of Life we also come to know that to fulfill this checklist we need to do also be fit so that we can give our optimum efforts. People are joining gyms and adopting different kinds of diets that can detox their body but have you thought that even our mind needs the same. Just how much we want our body to be in that perfect figure the mind also need the same tonic. 

We don't value our own strength according to our minds but according to the muscles that we develop. If your doing your workout everyday and eating right but if you are in continuous constraints of tension and worries then what you are doing for your body right now won't matter in the future. Your body will just become a machine and when you will stop your workout then your body will just rust. Many people encounter a lot of illnesses just coming right after them when they stop working out and this is because that they are mind is not healthy.

When the mind is at the healthy state then your body will be also healthy even though if you just do little brisk walk and adopt healthy eating. 

Our mind signals our body about various task and actions that we want to perform so when there is right nourishment to the mental health well being of a person then she/he can can live healthy with boom of energy. You mental health describes about the tension, stress and worries that you take when you are in the particular situation. If you get angry to easily then understand that its your body that is playing with you. Discover areas that you didn't knew before that hinders your growth and well being. Don't take too much stress because it is not worth it. Stress will not give you any solution it will just add to up to your problem so whenever you experience stress try to do a quick meditation or go for some therapy that can help you charge your mind with positive thoughts.


There are simple ways of eliminating stress by always feeding your brain with positive thoughts. Now everyone has a mobile so keep wallpaper that enriches your mind in a positive way. Reading books can help you but if you are not a big fan of reading then I can suggest you to watch movies that is inspirational. Working out is also a great trick in getting your stress hormones in balance. Drink healthy tasty smoothies  and avoid carbonated drink with added sugar. Avoid oily food how much ever you can because that will just harm your body and it is also the major reason for contributing stress in the body.

So Adopt healthy eating, workout consistently and keep your mind at cool and rest. Your mind is not a machine that gives commands and just computes knowledge but it is a living organism that needs the right nourishment. I hope that you also take care of your mental health as much you do for the other parts of the body. Happy Health! Happy Living! 

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Motivation quotes on Fitness and Health

It is surely difficult to get up and go to the gym kicking your butt everyday so for that you will need some will power and some quotes to get back up slaying your body!
Getting back to proper health is a difficult task when it comes to dieting and exercising because it is for sure not a simple task.

All you need is a schedule and discipline when it comes to Exercising and eating healthy because there are a lot of temptation out there that will make your fitness level collapse such as late night binge eating, consuming fried foods, not exercising regularly and much more. 
When you make a habit then over a period of time you body itself will help you to come back in shape. If your currently suffering in making yourself get up at 6 am in the morning for a jog or to the gym then worry not because your hard work will pay off in just 3 months because our body takes 90 days to get into a constant habitual ritual and once you get the habit then it will much more easier for you. But it ain't easy task so I have collected some great motivational quotes that will help you get it all together.

fitness quotes

We all know how stress eating can be a culprit when we face some problems in our life. It disguises as a good gentlemen but later a hit man. But don't beat yourself for stress eating by eating more junk food and cursing yourself instead just realize and make sure to control yourself the next time!

Give your body a break it is not a machine!

inspirational quotes

You are worth it no matter how you look or how you doing! Don't Live to please others but to please yourself!


You are Enough!

quotes motivational

Forget Yesterday and Live now!


Imperfect is Perfection!


Look Forward there is nothing behind for you.

fitness quotes

Health come from a peace of Mind!

Believe in yourself that you deserve Better!

motivational quotes

If you want more motivational quotes then you can comment below and for sure in my next blog I will add more.. Stay tuned... Do share your thoughts and ideas down in the comment below. Happy Health! Happy Living!

Friday 15 December 2017

Eat these Fruits for Clear and beautiful skin

Applying various face cream and face mask can damage your skin because of the chemicals that resides in ti. We are under guided on what is beneficial for our skin but in fact not always about the external but what lies internally. Cells on our body keep on shedding and the new younger skin cells take its place but this process will only go smoothly when you will provide the right amount of nutrients. You should eat a proper diet of food so that all these nutrients are absorbed into the body to give you soft supple, clean and clear skin. 

Normally skin goes through severe acne, pigmentation, tan, blemishes because of harsh pollution, overexposure of the sun, strong chemical based soaps and poor nutrition. Your skin is like a delicate petal and you have to take very good care of it because if you take your beauty for granted and not treat it right then get ready for some early sign of ageing and acne-prone skin. When we eat anti-oxidant food, balanced diet, healthy fatty foods and nuts it automatically purifies our blood and keeps our hormones in balance. Hormones mostly have been always the case of causing acne and wrinkles on the skin but this can be prevented if you take corrective measures. Your food should contain these nutrients such as vitamin C and E, selenium, beta-carotene and zinc for a healthy and radical free skin. 


Drinking Lemon and Honey in the morning before brushing your teeth can help you for weight loss by flushing out all the toxins from your body. Lemon is considered to be a natural bleach for skin and they are loaded with Vitamin C that helps skin in flushing out all the toxins and protect the skin from hyperpigmentation and photodamage. 


Papaya is another wonder fruit that will go miracles to your face. Papaya has vitamins such as Folate, pantothenic acid, vitamins A, B and C. It also contains minerals such as magnesium, potassium and copper that is very good for skin. Papaya also contains Chymopapain and Papain that protects the skin from bacteria and fungus. By consuming papaya you will be protecting and heal wounds and scars or if you are suffering from acne then papaya is very good for detoxifying your skin.


Avocado is rich in vitamin A, B6, C, E, K, dietary fibre, healthy fats, pantothenic acid and folate acid. This fruit detoxifies the skin because it has antioxidant components in it that prevent oxidative damage and DNA damage. It protects your skin from UV rays which is the biggest reason for early ageing signs. Avocado contains healthy fats that provide skin elasticity, speed up wound healing and decreases inflammation. 


Just before summer starting you must be seeing the shelf in the market loaded with Oranges because it is a seasonal fruit but it’s so strange that orange sprouts up just before summer. This is because when you consume a lot of oranges just before summer or during summer you are actually protecting your skin from various skin problems that occur because of harmful rays of the sunlight.


Watermelon is not only good for weight loss but it is also great for skin and especially who have acne prone skin. Watermelon improves the bowel movement by removing all the toxin from the gut and when your gut is good than having a flawless skin will become a reality. 

So I really hope that after reading this article you add these above mentioned fruits on your grocery list. Don't only limit to these fruits if you like other fruits then add those too in your menu. Happy Health! Happy Living!

Thursday 14 December 2017

Reduce Belly Fat with these Easy Exercises

I know...! I know the struggle of reducing belly fat but do you know that reducing the belly fat is easy and quick. Compare to the other parts of the body belly fat is easy to remove because with the right diet and exercise you can burn off those tummy fats. Dedication is all that matters to bring changes into life so if you are going through the similar struggle then keep in mind that nothing comes easy and you have to put little work into it to get amazing results. 

As you are reading this article then I am sure that you are keen in learning on how to remove those stubborn fats so if you are on that track then let me tell you one thing is that don’t give a hard time to yourself. First, love the way you are and when you do then the process becomes much simpler. Exercise and Dieting is the best combination to get a leaner body or to build up muscle. If you exercise daily for at least 15 minutes to 20 minutes every day then that is more than enough. Below are the lists of exercises that will work on your core muscle and strengthen your abdominal.


Crunches are the best exercise to burn the abdominal fat because it targets the whole abdominal core muscles thus resulting in a flatter stomach. It is one of the most common exercises and it works effectively. 

Lie down on the floor and then keep your leg at 90-degree angle. Place your hands behind your head or if you want then you can also keep them crossed on the chest. Now bring your upper body forward by touching your face to the knee and then come to the original position. It is preferred to this exercise slowly so that you don’t get any injury.

Twist Crunches:

Twist Crunches is little different than the normal crunches. In this exercise instead of going straight forward, you have to twist by aiming to sideways. When you lift the upper torso you have to pull the right shoulder to the left leg and do the same with the other side. When you are doing this exercise you will be targeting the side belly fat. 


Plank not only focuses on the abdominal area but also on the lower back, hip and shoulder. It is one of the best exercises to perform because it works on most of the body part. 
Lie down on the floor and then bring out elbows forward by resting them on the ground and your knees facing towards the floor. Keep this position for 20 to 30 seconds and gradually you can then increase time. 


Skipping is very effective for overall body form and helps you lose belly fat naturally. It’s a great cardio exercise and works for all the body parts. It is advised to stretch before you start skipping so that you don’t suffer any injury. 

The important things is keep your diet right make sure that you avoid sugary items and substitute it with artificial sweetener if you can't stay off sugar. Happy Health! Happy Living!

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Chew on Nuts this winter to help you lose weight and to maintain your energy level in the body

Nuts are a preferred choice of snack when you are on a diet to lose weight or to gain weight. It will help you in either way because moderation to the quantity of food makes a wide difference. Nuts are high in protein and nutrients, low in carbohydrates, rich in healthy fats and it helps in burning excess fat on the body. While you are on a weight loss journey or planning to start on one you must be craving on having something tasty and crunchy food. Nuts are the best food for you because it will fulfill your craving and it will all burn your fat but keep in mind that if you load on them then you sure will be reversing your strategy by gaining weight instead of losing weight. It is scientifically proven that nuts aid you in burning down the extra pounds of fat. 

As now you have come to know that nuts are essential to the body and it can help you in losing the extra fats. Now, let’s understand which nuts can help you lose weight.


Almonds which is also called “Badam” in Hindi is studied to be one of nature’s super foods because of the high content of protein, heart-healthy fats and antioxidants. It is an essential element in a weight loss diet because it will give you the energy throughout the day and also keep you full. According to the research, it had been observed that 65 overweight adults were told to add almonds in their diet for greater weight loss, lower body fat, reduced systolic blood pressure and decreased waist circumference. It was suggested because it has a high content of monounsaturated fats. 


Most of the people love eating cashews because they give a nice soft, crunch and creamy taste. Cashews amount to 16 to 18 nuts only contain 13 grams of fat and 5 grams of protein and it is a great source of magnesium. Magnesium helps in regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates and fat which ultimately aids you in losing weight. Add cashews in your salad to give you a nice crunch or you can even make cashew butter and spread it on a whole wheat toast or bread.


Walnut is stored with heart-healthy unsaturated fats which is very good for your health. It also contains polyunsaturated fats which keep this nut aside from other nuts. As walnuts contain 2.5 grams Alpha-linolenic acid it is very beneficial for the body to consume this fatty acid. Eating a handful of walnuts will result in fat loss and also keep you very healthy and energetic. 


Pistachios are everyone’s favourite nut to binge on because it has a unique flavour and green colour texture which can be used to add some in the smoothies or in the protein bars. Pistachios have 3 gram of dietary fibre in one-ounce serving which will keep the body feel full and also will help you in not craving junk food or prevent overeating. 

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Include Ragi into your Diet and you will notice amazing results within a WEEK

Do you know that Exercise alone won’t help you to get that lean figure and washboard abs that you wish for? Along with Exercise, you need to also have a diet that will help you achieve your goal to come to the body shap that you hope for! I am assuming that you must be knowing what foods to eat and at what moderation if you have read my previous articles but here in this article I want to let you know what Ragi can do to your body and its benefits. 

Ragi which is also called Eleusine Coracana but let’s call it Ragi because it is easier to remember. Ragi is mainly found in Asia and Africa abundantly but for some other countries Ragi may look and sound alien (especially the name Eleusine Coracana). It grows in high altitude and it can hold off harsh weather conditions. Karnataka is the major producer for production of Ragi with 58 percent share of annual production of the country. There are many health benefits of consuming Ragi which is loaded with abundant nutrient and minerals that can keep your body healthy. 

Amazing benefits of Ragi for a Fit and Healthy body:-

Ragi is loaded with many health benefits that provide treatment for diseases like Anaemia, Diabetes, Osteoporosis and Brittle Bones. It is very effective for people who are trying to lose weight and Belly Fat. Ragi is also a natural relaxant in relieving anxiety and stress and the best thing about Ragi is that it is one of the rare cereals that doesn’t need any polishing so you will be consuming Ragi in its purest form. 

1.    Strong Bones:-

People who are suffering from Brittle Bones and Osteoporosis should consume Ragi because it is loaded with Calcium where no other plant source produces calcium as much as this. Vitamin D and Calcium is said to be the essential part of making the bones stronger thus it is very good for the children for development of bones and for adults to prevent erosion of bone. 

2.    Protein and Minerals:-

Ragi has rich sources of minerals and nutrients packed with natural protein sources. It contains amino acids which are very crucial for health and also includes minerals like Thiamin, Riboflavin, Calcium, Niacin and Iron. The amino acids that are available in Ragi are Methionine, Valine, Tryptophan, Threonine and Isoleucine helps in maintaining metabolism, fighting anxiety and depression, muscle functioning, blood formation and facilitates the release of growth of hormones. 

3.    Controls Diabetes:-

It is been observed that with regular consumption of Ragi have reduced the risk of Diabetes Mellitus because of the Polyphenols and dietary fibres in it. Compared to rice, wheat or any other grams Ragi has a great amount of fibre. The fibre in Ragi helps in slowing down the pace of digestion which ultimately helps in lowering the blood sugar levels. It has a low glycemic index that maintains the blood sugar within a safe range and helps prevent you from late-night binging. 

4.    Anti-Aging:-

Ragi is a great home remedy for an anti ageing drink because of the amino acids present in it such as Methionine and Lysine helps in generation of collagen. Collagen protects the skin tissue by making it supple and lively thus such skin is less prone to sagging and wrinkles. 

5.    Beneficial for new mothers:-

Ragi helps in improving the haemoglobin levels which is very great for the new mothers. Lactating mothers should include green Ragi in their diet because it improves the milk production. It is also very good for the baby because the milk will be enriched with the essential minerals such as Calcium, Iron and essential amino acids. 

6.    Controls Cholesterol:-

Ragi effectively works in reducing the bad cholesterol level in the body by decreasing the plaque formation and prevents the blockage of the blood vessels which ultimately reduces the risk of stroke or any other heart complications and diseases. 

7.    Eradicates Anemia:-

Ragi is full of Iron which makes a perfect source of Iron Dietary. It helps in increasing the blood formation in people who are suffering from low haemoglobin levels and anaemia. Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron in the body which is the best cereal to treat anaemia.  

As you have learned how Ragi benefits you from various shortcomings and sickness then I hope that you include this in your diet so that you can start enjoying the benefits. Happy Health! Happy Living!

What is Gluten? Why it's a big deal for your health?

  Everyone has a view about Gluten but some are discussing how important Gluten is. Well, some just don't think it is a big deal. Now Gl...