Friday 6 April 2018

Your Health is measured by the health of your Mind!


The Body movement and certain lifestyle choices or the chemical combination has made us look forward to the day that we are experiencing now. If there was no movement, no combinations of chemicals, or if there weren't any single atom present in the atmosphere then we wouldn't have had any questions of today's existence. 

As we are growing into the conscience about the meaning and purpose of Life we also come to know that to fulfill this checklist we need to do also be fit so that we can give our optimum efforts. People are joining gyms and adopting different kinds of diets that can detox their body but have you thought that even our mind needs the same. Just how much we want our body to be in that perfect figure the mind also need the same tonic. 

We don't value our own strength according to our minds but according to the muscles that we develop. If your doing your workout everyday and eating right but if you are in continuous constraints of tension and worries then what you are doing for your body right now won't matter in the future. Your body will just become a machine and when you will stop your workout then your body will just rust. Many people encounter a lot of illnesses just coming right after them when they stop working out and this is because that they are mind is not healthy.

When the mind is at the healthy state then your body will be also healthy even though if you just do little brisk walk and adopt healthy eating. 

Our mind signals our body about various task and actions that we want to perform so when there is right nourishment to the mental health well being of a person then she/he can can live healthy with boom of energy. You mental health describes about the tension, stress and worries that you take when you are in the particular situation. If you get angry to easily then understand that its your body that is playing with you. Discover areas that you didn't knew before that hinders your growth and well being. Don't take too much stress because it is not worth it. Stress will not give you any solution it will just add to up to your problem so whenever you experience stress try to do a quick meditation or go for some therapy that can help you charge your mind with positive thoughts.


There are simple ways of eliminating stress by always feeding your brain with positive thoughts. Now everyone has a mobile so keep wallpaper that enriches your mind in a positive way. Reading books can help you but if you are not a big fan of reading then I can suggest you to watch movies that is inspirational. Working out is also a great trick in getting your stress hormones in balance. Drink healthy tasty smoothies  and avoid carbonated drink with added sugar. Avoid oily food how much ever you can because that will just harm your body and it is also the major reason for contributing stress in the body.

So Adopt healthy eating, workout consistently and keep your mind at cool and rest. Your mind is not a machine that gives commands and just computes knowledge but it is a living organism that needs the right nourishment. I hope that you also take care of your mental health as much you do for the other parts of the body. Happy Health! Happy Living! 

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