Friday, 30 June 2017

How to be Happy?

Don’t you know that the little things can make you happy? Happiness is one priceless feeling that cannot be bought but can be made. I know that when I said that happiness can be made; so you must be thinking that how Happiness can be made. Is it manufactured? And the answer to that is yes. Many people in this world just wait for something to swing by in their life and automatically out of nowhere they expect to be happy. This is not how happiness works and it will never work.

Happiness is a feeling of being in a happy state. How to be in a Happy State? To be in a Happy State you just have to do the little things that don’t matter much to the whole world but to yourself. Still, you won’t be understanding much of what I am trying to explain about the definition of happiness. Everyone has their own definition of happiness it doesn’t always have to pop out of the dictionary or on Google search.

You must have thought once in a while that it is not important to do the little things but that little thing can be one of your biggest treasures to open the opportunities to live life happy. If you get up late then try to get up at 5 pm to see the rising sun and listen to the birds singing with the melody. That little thing can make you very happy! Do you have a hobby that wants to burst out to live once again then let it live!

Problems are the major reason for many people to be left out with a life without happiness. But is it the problem that is the major reason or not trying to be happy is the major reason. A life with no hassle is a life with no life in it! Don’t run away from your problem but face it bravely and let little things bring happiness back into your life. Help somebody in need and you will see a big difference instantly in yourself. Exercise daily so that the endorphins get released into your system which makes you happy. If any problem is bothering you don’t just sit and ponder about it but get up this instant and say that you deserve to live life happily and do the little things to bring back happiness back into your life. Happy Health, Happy Living!

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Exercises that can boost up your metabolism rate in your body

Most of the people have a story about how they have gain weight and many of them will say that it was first started because of the sudden rapid growth of weight gain. If you are similar to this story then you will not be certain as to how you started gaining weight. The major reason for putting on weight is when your metabolism rate is low and when the metabolism rate is low then a number of calories burned are very few thus you will not lose much of body fats. There are many reasons why your metabolism rate has become low; it may be because of hormonal changes or poor eating habits.

There are many ways to boost up your metabolism rate to lose weight effectively and achieve the perfect body shape. Detoxification is really great for your body because that will remove all the toxins from the body and therefore your hormones will become normal. If you are eating a lot of junk food then it is preferable for you to do a detox so that you can remove all the accumulated oil and toxin in the body. Consume a lot of proteins because that will make you feel fuller and help you avoid food cravings.  Protein food fuels the metabolism rate in your body so build up a diet that includes a lot of protein food. Have less carbohydrate intake in your food because that can lead to fat accumulation.

Exercises that can help hike up your metabolism rate in your body:-

1.    Cardio:-

Cardio is great for your body because it burns a lot of calories from the body thus ultimately increasing your metabolism rate in your body. When you are exercising the body will burn up your calories thus there will be more energy to be generated and ultimately the metabolism rate will increase to create more energy in your body. If you have a belly fat then after cardio do an abdominal exercise to lose belly fat.

2.    Aerobic Exercises:-

Aerobic Exercises will tone up your body and also increase your metabolism rate. It’s better if you keep on doing your exercises and change your intensity from higher intensity to lower intensity. Run for at least 1 minute before starting any exercise that will increase the level of calories burnt in an hour.

3.    Core Exercises:-

There are many apps that will give you a list of core exercises to be performed. Core exercises will give you strength and it will also help your body gain more muscle and muscle is great for your body.

4.    Weight lifting:-

Try weight lifting because muscle will use more calories compare to fat so weight lifting can help strengthen your muscles and it will make you into one calorie-burning machine even when you will be resting. Do weight lifting twice a week by focusing on muscle such as abs, glutes, quads and biceps.

5.    Sports activity:-

A set of exercises is not the only way of burning fats. If you love any outdoor or sports activity such as football, basketball, badminton or any other then practising and playing 1 hour for a day in thrice in a week also can give you effective results.






















Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Kim Kardashian's Dietician at Atkins gives 3 simple tips to lose good amount of weight

Kim Kardashian is known for her career success in modeling and has her own reality star television show. Being a celebrity and having a reality star show which showcases you every day in the limelight is not a simple task. To be a celebrity is to be perfect with everything especially with the body. Kim Kardashian is trying all her best in removing the cellulite from her body which got shoved up all over the internet because of the leaked vacation photos. It’s normal what she is going through because everyone goes through that but earlier with the heavy photoshop, no one knew that she had cellulite body fats. But now she is working hard to bring that body back in shape perfectly.
Kim Kardashian's Dietician at ‘Atkins’ said that Kim already knows how to lose weight effectively and how to work on a diet. Colette Heimowitz is the vice president of education and nutrition at Atkins where a lot of celebrities prefer them for ultimate weight loss journey. She said Kim had lost 27kg after the first delivery and then 32 kg on the second so Kim Kardashian is very smart in arranging her diet food to help lose excess weight.
Heimowitz said that consume foods that has the less effect on your blood sugar. She said to minimize sugar 5 grams per serving and Carbs should be consumed only 15 grams per serving. Including a lot of proteins in the food can also help you in reducing the food craving which is the biggest culprit in weight gain. Make sure that you pick up the food that has the highest fibre carbohydrates and also include healthy fat in the food. If you follow these simple rules you will be able to lose a lot of pounds.

Kim doesn't only depend upon her dieting techniques; she also regularly exercises to tone up her body so exercise regularly to speed up the metabolism in the body.
 Happy Health, Happy living!

Sunday, 25 June 2017

How stress can restrict your weight loss journey

You must be working out from over a month but you still don’t see any sign of changes on your body instead you see that you at the steady weight which doesn’t change at all. A lot of people get frustrated just because of this and at the end, the weight loss journey has come to an end. This sounds very bad for a long run because de-motivation can do a lot of bad things to your body and also to your mind. People who have gained weight they somehow have low-self esteem, low confidence level and self-doubt. Everyone should keep in this mind that no matter what you should love yourself the way you are, just because some little flaws in you doesn’t make you any smaller.

Stress is the main reason for abnormal weight gain so to eradicate that you should first plan in controlling your stress. Cortisol is a hormone which is secreted from the adrenal glands where it tends to increase when you are stressed. People who have a higher level of Cortisol in their body tend to have belly fats.

You need to first identify the problem from where it is arising, Is it due to stress, hormonal imbalance, bad eating habits or inadequate sleep. Focus on the area which needs to be worked and make some changes in your habits and you will automatically see a change in your body. Basically, you should have a schedule that consists of healthy habits by sleeping 8 hours in a day, avoid junk food, exercise and meditate daily. Happy Health, Happy Living!



Friday, 23 June 2017

Weight Loss by consuming Hot water Regularly

It is one of the laziest and easiest ways to lose weight by just consuming hot water every day. Water contains zero calories so no calories at all which is perfect. It doesn’t have an astringent taste like green tea and you don’t have to blend it in the Juice maker so no hard work has to be done. You just need one glass of water and then you have to heat it and voila your drink is ready. Easy isn’t it? Consuming adequate amount of Water in a day is the perfect remedy to lose weight easily. If you are desperate to lose the belly fat then this remedy is the perfect solution for you. It’s not necessary that the water always has to be hot, you can consume hot water twice in a day and still you can witness great results.

The Logic with the Hot water making you lose weight and belly fat:-

When you consume hot water you will feel much more fuller compare to drinking cold water because cold water gets quickly absorbed but hot water doesn’t so, as a result, you will not feel hungry throughout the day so much and ultimately helping you in cutting down the fats. It also aids digestion so your bowel will be healthy thus your entire internal body system will get detoxed.

Other ways to enjoy your drink!

You can add Lemon which will give a nice flavour to your water and you will feel like consuming more water in a day. Some people even add ginger which is very good for health; you can top it by adding some mint leaves.

Avoid eating oily foods because that is the main reason of additional fats in your body. Avoid consuming too much of salt because that can create a lot of water retention in your body or body weight. Just drink regularly hot water twice in a day and adding lemon will be much more better.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Top 5 Drinks that will help you lose Weight

As there are foods that aid you to lose weight effectively there are also drinks that can help you lose weight faster. When you have put excess weight then it is a sign that you have put on weight because of hormonal changes in your body or because of eating junk food. If you are going through hormonal changes then exercise and meditation can help you easily to bring your system to the normal state. But if you have put on weight by having junk food then it is an indication that your system needs a detox.

People who have gained weight by eating junk food need to first acknowledge that junk food will never benefit you. When your body builds up with high sodium in the body or sugar then you will have a lot of water weight or water retention in your body which you need to flush it out from your system. Drinks are the best remedy to remove the excess salt in your body and also it is the best detox remedy.

Here are the most effective drinks that can help you in lose weight quickly!

1.    Green Tea:-

Green Tea can help you prevent cancer and it can also give a glow to your skin. Just drink 3 to 4 cups green tea in a day and it will immediately show you changes within 1 month. If you have a belly fat then this is the best drink to shed off the fats from your belly.

2.    Ice Water:-

When you are consuming Ice Water your body will start burning your calories so that it can heat up to aid digestion. Drinking adequate amount of water in a day can help you stay fuller and it will also help you lose some calories.

3.    Vegan Juice:-

The best thing about vegetables is that you can eat any vegetable and not worry about gaining weight. Just add any vegetable of your choice, add some spices, blend it and voila your favourite drink is ready. It is very good for your system and it has a lot of nutrients in it.

4.    Ginger Tea or Cumin Tea:-

Try Arabian Tea to lose weight quickly, you just have to mix green tea, cumin, fresh mint and fresh ginger and then just boil it and drink it. Ginger Tea is a great Detox for the body and Cumin is great for cutting down the fats.

5.    Pineapple and Kiwi Smoothie:-

Pineapple is a great fruit to lost weight. People who have had Pineapple juice every day have found incredible results towards weight loss. Kiwi is also very good for your health, it will certainly boost up your metabolism rate in your body. A mixture of these two fruits will give you amazing results by detoxing your body, enhancing your skin texture and also improve your metabolism rate.

I know that you want to have an easy way out and not exercise but the thing is that when you exercise the body releases endorphin which makes you happy. So workout because a Happy Self is A Happy Living!

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Khloe Kardarshians includes 5 foods that helps her for quick weight loss

Khloe Kardashian had an unbelievable awesome transition that has left everyone’s jaw drop. Many people are following her diet tips, fitness regimes, workout videos and many more. She has also come up with her own brand called Good American Jeans and she has noted that all the success that is coming to her is all because of clarity and efforts of being healthy and fit.

Alike Khloe you can also transform yourself and automatically you will feel great about yourself and you will be empowered to do new things in life. Khloe has the best body in the industry and now it is all about having a strong core and Great Body. Many people are trying different dieting techniques to lose weight but the logic is that the quicker you lose weight due to intense dieting or fasting then you are even highly likely to gain weight sooner when you will come back to your normal diet.

If you want to lose weight without any worry of gaining weight after you take a break from exercising or dieting then include the foods that Khloe Kardashian includes in her diet. It will increase your metabolism rate and it will keep you fit! Khloe says, that to effectively lose weight the internal system should be flushed out from excess salt intake so to do that include these food mentioned below.

1.    Avocados:-

Avocado is a wonder fruit and it can do amazing things to your body. It can help you to remove the excess sodium from your body because of the potassium properties in it which flushes the water weight from the body. Avocado is also high in fibre so when you will consume it you will feel fuller so your craving for junk food will get minimised.


2.    Ginger:-

Ginger is very good for stomach if you are suffering from constipation or stomach ache. Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties to keep your gut healthy. It has ‘Zingibain’ which is a digestive enzyme. Have ginger tea everyday or you can also peel ginger in hot boiling water and have it twice in a day.

3.    Oats:-

Bloated stomach is a common thing for everybody and many people get very depressed because of it. Oats can help you to balance your bacteria in your stomach thus it de-bloats your stomach. It is called a Prebiotic effect.

4.    Tomatoes:-

Tomatoes are very good for skin but it is also very great for you internal body system. Consuming tomatoes can help you reduce bloating of your stomach. Tomatoes are a great anti-oxidant and also it is anti-inflammatory so consuming raw tomatoes will give you flawless skin and detox your internal system.

5.    Watermelon:-

Watermelon can help in balancing the salt levels in your body and it has high water content so it flushes all the excess water from the system.

Including these foods will do a great trick to your body and improve your internal and external body System. Exercise everyday at least 15 minutes in a day which is enough to show you the results. Stop having junk food every day, once in a week is fine but having junk food everyday will disrupt your system. Meditation can help you feel light and free of stress so, everyday at least for 5 minutes meditate and continue with your everyday schedule.  One small change can give you great results. Happy Health, Happy Living!

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Simple changes to live a Healthy Life

I know that you must be dieting or taking various weight loss supplements, pills and much more. But you must be thinking that even though after doing all this, as to why you are not achieving a 100 percent or even a 60 percent result.

The truth is that your habit is diminishing your ability to attain a perfectly healthy body. It is difficult to cut out the tastiest food or it is difficult to get up early in the morning for an exercise. People go to work, college, classes and find it very difficult to make time for them. It’s okay to go through this phase because at the end we are humans and we go astray from the path of being healthy.

Do you want to be healthy? Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Do you want to be Happy? Do you want to stay fit and strong? For sure you want to be all of these things but nothing is easy way come and easy way out. It needs little efforts and determination to come to that level of physical fitness.

Below are some of the simple ways of staying in Fit and have a Perfect Shape Bod!

1.    Your SmartPhone can be your Workout buddy:-

Nowadays you can find a lot of fitness apps that can help you in giving the right exercises for the day. A lot of people just do the same exercise every day and they get bored but there are apps where you can get proper motivation and it can also remind to have a proper amount of water in a day and also guide with genuine diets.

2.    Do Workout that you enjoy:-

Everyday jogging or cycling can bore you and the riskiest thing is that it can de-motivate you. Try core exercises such as squats, plank, lunges and other exercises to tone up your body. Doing Cardio every day can’t help you attain the perfect body that you hope for so spice up your daily regime with different types of exercises.

3.    Avoid Sweets:-

There are some people who have sweet tooth and they find it very stressful to avoid sugar. For such people, I can suggest that you substitute to sweets such as jaggery, sugar-free tablets which won’t contribute much to weight gain. Sugar is the main reason where people gain a lot of weight all of a sudden.

4.    Meditate to relieve stress:-

Most of the people gain abnormal weight due to stress and Stress can be the main reason for many illnesses. When your body is sync with mind then only you can keep your health fit.

Avoid Alcohol but having Red bitter wine can help greatly for a good skin and also promotes weight loss. Don’t get too overwhelmed with your weight problem just relax and make a schedule and plan for yourself.
If you liked this post then tune in for more to get tips and home remedies to lose weight and live a healthy life.



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